Tuesday 22 January 2013

Preliminary Evaluation

1) How well do you think you created your preliminary?
Our initial idea was to use two students in a classroom interacting about exams. However, the setting and environment was too busy for the scene to take place. Our group moved to a different classroom in order to develop clarity and experiment with different story lines. This worked well on our preliminary as we were able to expand our camera techniques and use various camera angles and framing. During our preliminary production, we all learnt the features of the camera and tripod to produce our sequence. We then learnt the basics of Final cut software which enabled us to complete our final piece. 

2) What you have learnt from the preliminary task that you will use in your actual production?
By completing this preliminary task, we have learnt how to use the video recorder (Canon video-recorder) that was provided by our teacher. This means that when we film our Thriller production, our group will be familiar with using the camera and the skills required. Our group have also had practice in creating and designing a storyboard. We had many errors when creating the storyboard due to the small drawing spaces. Hopefully, when we come to producing our actual production, we will take more time and care to ensure that our storyboard is completed efficiently.  Lastly, our group have learnt how to use the editing software final cut, this will be beneficial as we have mastered the basics to learn more and more features on the software. 

3) Did you find it difficult to use the technology and what technology did you use?
When creating our preliminary, we used a cam recorder to film our sequel. This was tricky at first as the equipment was all new to. Luckily, working as a team helped us to use the camera better as we all combined our skills to handle the equipment safely and carefully. Next, we used the iMac to edit the sequel, using final cut express to add all the clips together and add in transitions. This at first was difficult, but we constantly refereed back to our notes to help use the different features on the software. 

4) Did you stick to the brief?  How long was the preliminary? 
Our group did stick to the brief as we included all of the shot ties that were required. We also worked hard to put the shots in the order they were required. Our preliminary was around 50 seconds which is long enough to establish and understand the storyline. The minimum time was 30 seconds yet we managed to have a understandable storyline and fit it in less than a minute. However, we could of improved the sequence by adding more camera shots and extra details for a more powering video for example, we could of used a proper classroom full of girls and improve the setting by adding more realistic props.

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