We have analyse the opening sequence of group two from windsor girls in 2012. This opening sequence is called ''playback'' and it is a crime thriller.
The start of the opening sequence clearly shows the production name which is ''Droplet productions''. A drop of water appears which is related to the name of the production and this makes it look more professional. The video clip has serval opening tittles such as ''a film by Lauren E Tarling" and "Pip Watkins'' which shows it is a opening sequence. The video have given details of the names of actors and crew.
When the clip begins, a handheld shot is used which portrays someone walking. This creates an enigma as we do not know who it is, but then dieagetic music gradually comes in. This music sounds eerie . Then the scene cuts to the name of the production company again, before cutting to the walking scene once more. Close up reaction while main female character got stabbed and shows her reaction of being painful and sudden which has related to the genre of the opening sequence. The crew tried to create a natural point of view and to achieve this, they have used handheld shot throughout the sequence.
This opening sequence is set as a crime thriller and to show the storyline briefly, the director has decided to use short shot duration to change scene to scene which has achieved the atmosphere of danger and has created a enigma. On the other hand, they slowed down the video while the character was walking into the kitchen which has created a nervous atmosphere by showing the scene quite slow.
Mise en scene was also used, when creating the opening sequence. During the opening sequence, we can see a knife covered with blood. This prop has been used to create an enigma as we don’t know what has happened or who has been hurt by the knife. The setting for this opening sequence is a house, which is an ordinary everyday setting. There is a group of girls gathered in the house which is a normal situation but after one of the girls is stabbed, it turns into an extraordinary situation. This represents an ordinary situation in which something extraordinary happens, which is a generic thriller convention.
Towards the end of the opening sequence, we can see the girl who has been stabbed. Even though we didn’t see her get stabbed, we know she has been because in the scene before, a knife covered in blood was shown and from looking at the girl’s facial expressions, we can see she is in pain after
being injured. When we see the girls in the house, we can see that they are are wearing clothing such as dresses, skinny jeans and vest tops. These are stereotypical costumes for girls to wear and as this is a thriller opening sequence, the costumes portray them as the characters in danger as it’s stereotypical that female characters in thriller’s are the characters who are in danger the most and will be in need of saving.
When the opening titles “Droplet Productions” appear, dieagetic sound is introduced straight away and this sound continues into the start of the opening sequence and throughout it. The music sounds quite eerie and spooky which is stereotypically used in a thriller as it creates the feeling that something bad is going to happen. Ambient sound is used when there is someone in the bedroom. The person who is in the room is breathing heavily, as though out of breath. We can’t see who this person is but the breathing sounds very deep, which could suggest that it’s a male character. Whilst looking round the room, the character picks up a knife covered in blood. This could suggest that the character is responsible for stabbing the girl, who we see later in the sequence, as they are breathing heavily which could be because they are in a rush to get away from the crime scene.
We believe that this opening sequence deserves a C, because the storyline isn't that clear so you would have to watch it a few times to understand it fully. The audience may not be able to recognise the storyline and this could affect their understanding of the whole film. Also, the storyline included a party scene in the daytime. This scene doesn't fit with the time of day as parties and crimes usually take place at night. However, the background music have been used perfectly to coinside with the genre of the opening sequence. The editing skills are also very good by linking all the scenes together e.g. After the kitchen scene was shown, a flash effect was used to hint that the present is a flash back which is related to the tittle ''playback''.