Tuesday 12 February 2013

Inital ideas presentation and feedback

Constructive feedback

  • Pay close attention to the props used before the audience see the antagonist. For example, be creative and use something different to portray rape. Something stereotypical like using a tally chart to display how many girls the rapist has abducted, is dull and unimaginative.
  • The title of "behind the screen" corresponds well with the narrative.
  • Important to keep the ordinary theme continuing and not display any psychological elements about the antagonist until the viewers see the bedroom.
  • Possible use of portable light from the media department in order to create the desired low-key lighting.
  • Appropriate use of classification for the film as there are some explicit scenes and under 15's tend not to have Facebook accounts..
  • The clothing worn by the girls should be minimal clothing and not anything that makes the viewers or the examiner feel uncomfortable.
  • Maintain the same location of the males bedroom for practical reasons such as if you want to re-film.
  • Make arrangements with possible make-up artist as she could be unavailable at precious filming times. Our group must prepare for the possibility that the make up artist is not committed or is struggling for availability.

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