Wednesday 27 February 2013

Target audience profile

Our group decided to collect both primary and secondary data in order to obtain reliability and a true picture of our target audience. The primary research included a set of questions structured in a questionnaire. Using this primary method, it gave us a chance to capture the truth from our audience as all questions were the same we could generalise accurate results from our data. We asked questions like age and gender in order to see if preferences in films relied on these factors. We then selected 10 girls and 10 boys with differences in ages to complete our questionnaires and return them back. We asked our target audience their favourite thriller films to see if people had favourites. From our questionnaires, we can conclude that our target audience ranged from 15-65. We also realised that males tend to enjoy more crime films then psychologicial films. This may be because boys tend to associate more with crime. Considering that our film has the genre of a psychological thriller, we now have an aim to focus on getting males interested in actually watching our opening sequence and capturing their attention. We can also include from the occupation question, that those with higher annual salarys tend to watch thriller movies more often in a week then those with lower annual salarys. This may be for practical reasons however, it is still one aim of ours to create a non-biased opening sequence for both people with higher and lower annual salarys.
We then used secondary data via the Internet on the website of to gather existing data about the different ages, sexes and gender etc that watch thriller films. We researched the crime film of Tower Heist to inform us about the different ages, gender and class that watch this specific film.
We compared the results of Tower Heist crime film to that of a psychological film of Shutter Island. We found (by a small percentage) that more males preffered crime films as shown in our primary data. However, because that statistics are so small, we will still be targeting males and females for our film.
The largest age group that watched both crime and psychological films were aged between 15-24. Their was a small minority who were elder that watched either crime or psychological which we also found out in our questionnaires.
 From establishing our target audience we are now confident with who we will aim to entertain. The use of our primary and secondary data really helped our group discover the trends and made us realise how factors such as class, gender and age all have an influence to preferences and time spent watching thriller films. From our data we can now conclude that males watch more crime films then females and that the largest age group appears to be 15-24. This works well with our film, as the antagonist is at the age of 12 which fits into the gap of those who watch thriller films the most. Hopefully, by the use younger characters we will attract that younger generation as they are the ones who seem to spend more of their time watching films.

From both our primary and secondary research, we were able to come up with a suitable mood board for our target audience. Seeing that the most popular age was between the age of 15 and 24, we have created a mood board for a male and female that represents the life of someone aged 15 to 25. The mood board consists of various objects that we associate people between the age of 15-25.

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