Wednesday 17 April 2013

Practise logo & Final Logo

It was crutial to us as a group that we made our first impression by our logo and connect with our audience. This is our group logo below, that was created via photoshop. We have decided to use the inital WGS, standing for Windsor Girls School, because we're all part of the same group and a team within our school. Before creating our logo we did research on some famous logo's for inspiration and help. We looked at companies like "20th Century Fox" and "Universal". We found that both the companies had unique logo's that stood out to the audience resulting in something the audience will remember. In our logo we have used a camera on a tripod with film tape coming out the side, with the logo name above and under.  We then started by deciding to put a image or background for our logo.

After researching different logo's and ideas we decided to create a camera using clip art. Next, we used photoshop to fill in the camera with colour as before it was plain white. We used the colours of blue to make it more interesting and bold. However, at first we were not certain on the colour of our logo but as a group we decided that blue was the most appealing. This is because, the colour blue gave connotations of the sky and the world. This reflected our ambitions in the media industry. Next, we used the font tool to decide what kind of font is the most suitable. We played around with the layers and positions of the different parts of the logo till we were able to decide on the final positions of all the layers.

As a group, we are proud with our final logo due to the features of the font which looks professional and the iconography standing out, the logo is very eye catching, but not too bold. Our final logo identifies us. Our design is relevant for the business it identifies. This was accomplished through indepth research into the media industry which helps to differentiate from closely associated competitors such as " 20th Century Fox".

This is a picture of our practise logo. As you will notice, we added various iconography which was media related to our final logo. Our team was not confident on the simplicity of the design thus, we felt that we needed something that showed we were a filming production company, which our practise logo failed to achieve. However, we kept the company name of "WGS" in our final production as we favoured this idea. We changed the colouring from green to purple in order to make our logo more professional and memorable. 

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