Tuesday 16 April 2013

Producing our soundtrack

To produce our soundtrack we are using the software "garage band". At first, we found it difficult but after spending time and finding various different sounds, we put together the majority of our soundtrack. Our group slowly added other sounds to fit in with our sequence. We again, tried to portray the distinction between normality and abnormality by having mysterious sounds whilst the antagonist is just getting out of bed. The contrast between the casual day-to-day activities that the antagonist was performing and the eerie music worked effectively  This build enigmas for the public and the contrapuntal elements would make them want to continue to watch our sequence.
We gathered some sounds from Youtube due to garage band not having the suitable sound we had aspired for. In order to use an alarm clock sound at the beginning of our piece, we searched "alarm clock sounds" on youtube and converted this by using Youtube MP3 converter on Google. This changed the youtube film into a file that could be imported into garageband. We then had our appropriate alarm sound we needed.
We then focused on combining different acoustic sounds together to produce a unique and specialized sound that would be controversial to our film footage. We used tools to change the volume and pitch of sounds. This created suspense at our peak points of filming. We recognized how important our sound is in our final production. Considering our sequence is ordinary and normal, we needed a feature that would represent a psychological genre. Therefore, we made our sound a special prop to make the audience feel on edge and suspicious. Our soundtrack took a lot of time and effort to produce, but we are all proud with the final results.

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