Wednesday 20 March 2013

Character profile

Since we decided the storyline of our opening sequence, we had different discussions about the details of our main character.
For us, it was very important to make our character look like a normal person for most of the opening sequence and not like an antagonist because it would create an enigma within the audience. The audience would be confused as to why the character was included in the opening sequence until the end of the sequence, when it is revealed that although he may look normal, he isn’t.

Our antagonist will be wearing a shirt and tie for the second half of the opening sequence, making him look like a stereotypical male going to work. These clothes are countertypical for antagonists to wear in thriller movies. They also aren’t the sort of cloths you would expect a character with psychological issues to be wearing either, creating further enigmas.
Until he goes on his laptop and onto Facebook, our character looks normal and there is no reference to him being an antagonist with psychological issues at all. However, when he leaves the room, it becomes clear to the audience that he is a rapist as they can see the strange things that he has collected in his room. These things include bras, knickers, high heels and condoms and they are scattered all over the floor. There also three girls, two of which are tied up and one is unconscious, lying across the floor and a sofa. This shows that he isn’t psychologically normal, as he has kidnapped three girls and has brutally raped them, and relates to the theme of our thriller.
We have decided that the main character’s room will be displayed with lots of laptops and electronic equipment to give our audience the first indication to his normality because it’s unusual to see more then one computer or laptop in a person’s room. This also represents that he is using social networking for searching female as his next target.
To show what we wanted our main character to be like, we designed our own main character. The picture that one of our group members drew shows that our character will have messy hair and be dressed in smart clothing. We also used different images from the internet to show the different objects that will be displayed in his room.

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