Tuesday 12 March 2013

Practise of sound on GargageBand

In order to create this sound, I used GarageBand. At first, I was inexperienced with the new software, but from the help of others, I quickly grasped the concept of GarageBand. Taking into account our psychological genre, my intention was to compose a mysterious and creepy sound that was parallel to our opening sequence. I listened to many acoustics and piano sounds because I wanted to achieve quite a suspicious non-diagetic background track for our opening sequence. After deliberating with different instrumentals, I was able to mix three sounds together found in the Mysterious and Intense section. I was taught how to fade in and out the sound to create the gradual flow of the track. I was also taught how to soften sounds so that they were not so loud.

Although this is just a practise copy, I feel that this track could play a major part in our opening sequence. The reason being is that the sound creates the illusion I wanted and it relates well with the antagonists characteristics of secretive and sly. Its suspicious and builds up the pace which goes with the slow duration of our opening sequence. It also creates enigmas for the audience as the public will wonder why the music is intense when the antagonist is just brushing his teeth or getting out of bed. During the later stages of editing, I hope to add a number of diegetic sounds to the background music from girls screaming to the doors locking. We have recorded each diegetic sound we are going to use, in order to achieve clarity and definition. This will be added in our final piece to create suspsense and uncertainity.

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