Tuesday 12 March 2013

Location report

Previously, we had many ideas of location. Initially, we had the aim to film inside school during school hours because the timing meant our group could all participate without practical issues and the school also had the majority of the equipment we needed to film. Because our opening sequence reveals different electronic devices, we thought of filming in the Windsor Girls IT suite as there were plenty of computers, PCs and headphones there that we could borrow for prop. However, due to the issue of the busy environment and the fact that we needed the antagonist to wake up in his house, we decided to ignore that idea as our continuity would have been poor when trying to create the feeling that we have used just one location to film. Our team member, Thuraya, quickly stepped in and nominated her cousins bedroom, considering he was our antagonist. Everybody was comfortable with this decision as the location was relatively near and we had all the facilities from computers to beds in Thurayas cousins bedroom.

When we arrived in the bedroom, the location was perfect. The setting of an ordinary 21year old room related well to our plot of the story. The contrast between normality and insanity was a feature we wanted to achieve as we felt it was unusual and peculiar because the stereotypical antagonist in a psychological thriller is supposed to behave inhuman. Therefore, by making our antagonist act as normal as possible in a normal environment, the plot will be counter typical and different from other thrillers. In the location, there were several posters, of which we wanted to keep, and a messy desk space that contributed well with the average males room. The modernity of the room also worked well with our plot as Facebook is a modernised concept in the 21st century. There were two sofas which was useful as it made the bedroom look like an appartment enviroment, this added realism. The bedroom also had an ensuite, making it perfect for our bathroom scenes. The bathroom had a shower, sink and cabinets.

There were some issues in the location, which were also identified in the risk assessment sheet. Our team had to work well to prevent any lighting errors as the bedroom was located at the highest point of the house where the natural lighting of the sun kept shining in. We returned several times to our location in order to re-film and add in shots that were not initally planned. The nearness of our location made it quick and easy for us to go back and re-film. For example, we filmed several shots of the antagonist communicating over a Facebook message with his protagonist. By sticking to one main location, we were able to repeat our mistakes and keep the continuity of the film.

The location has televisions and space to put all our wanted electronic devices such as three laptops and a telephone. We wanted our antagonist to be stereotypically technical with computers as this is what people associate with phishing.  The messy and unorganized living space is a stereotypical feature associated with young adult males. Our use of props resembled our modern narrative because we used Mac laptops, which are current for today.

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